Mag. Sara Pancot
- freelance artist, born in Milan
- visit to the University of Applied Arts, Vienna
- Study History of Art, Vienna
- Teaching by the Summer Akademy in Zakynthos
- Organizes workshops under the title ‘Art & Kitchen,’ combining nutritional knowledge and art
- Artistic Education in the Kunstfabrik with Franz Seitl (plastic)
- publication of the children’s book “Come mi vorrei” in german language “ich wäre gerne anders” G&G Verlag and the books ‘Kinder Haben Hunger’ (Self-published) and ‘Zwerge haben großen Hunger’ (Published by EchoMedia Book Verlag)
- Courses in Bruno Munari – Methodology
- organization of creative courses for children within “Spielzimmer 5 Sinne”
- Children’s Furniture Design
- curator of many exhibitions
- Architectural planning and design for some old crafts in Schloss Hof.